Selamat Datang Buat Mpok, Abang, Nyak Babeh, Brada N Sista Di Blog Anak Bawang..!!


Lokasi Parung, Bogor/Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Minat Olah Raga biar Bugar, adventures, & baca Buku Petualangan
Film Favorit Need for speed 3
Musik Favorit Rock N roll
Buku Favorit Agatha christie, & Petualangan sherlock holmes

Sedikit Coretan :
every day is irreplaceable, so don't ruin yours by allowing the negative moods of others to pull you into their frame of mind.,
itu sih kalo kata orang bule, hhee., :), trus kalo buat gw sih, pegang terus prinsip selama msih di anggap normal & logis yo dak masalah kan,, ^_^, ( diplomat bilang sih be Principal & conservative aje ) heee., d{^_^}b

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